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How to find us

We are based in the quiet leafy suburb of Upper Sydenham, South London and can be reached in a number of ways.

Telephone: +44 (0) 7976 932 692


By train to Sydenham (closest station to us) – from central London

Services run from London Bridge, Victoria and Cross Rail.  From Sydenham station we are a 7 minute walk up the road.

By train – from Gatwick Airport and South East England

If you are arriving from overseas, Gatwick Airport is the closest and most straightforward. Take the train to East Croydon and change onto a train stopping at Sydenham 10 minutes away.


The following buses run close by: 75, 122, 176, 197, 202, and 450.


We are on the A212 sandwiched between Crystal Palace, Forest Hill, Catford, Beckenham and Penge.